eBay Vault Submissions

Allowing customers to send cards they already own to a secure storage facility managed by eBay

Project Overview
The eBay Vault is a physical storage facility for eBay customers' high-value trading cards. I designed the feature that allows eBay customers to ship their trading cards directly to the vault through eBay.
I was responsible for designing the end-to-end Ship to Vault experience.
Collection and eBay Vault first launched in 2022. Ship to Vault launched in Summer 2023.
End-to-end native and web experience allowing customer to ship high-value cards to the eBay Vault.
What problem is this solving?
In June 2022, my team launched the eBay Vault, a service that allows people to store high-valued trading cards in a secure facility.

However, at the time people were required to purchase cards directly on eBay to store them in the vault, significantly limiting potential inventory. How might we allow customers to vault cards they already have on hand?
Higher number of low value cards. Looks to make profit and likes to trade quickly and often.
May have high or low value cards. Driven by a desire to purchase cards that fuel a feeling or completion or nostalgia.
Deals with mostly high value cards. Willing to hold onto cards for a long time to make the most profit.
Desktop view of submission confirmation
Project Goal
Provide eBay customers the ability to ship and track the trading cards they already physically own into the eBay vault ecosystem.

This will lead to increased revenue for the business via monthly storage fees, submission fees, and transaction fees while providing more customers secure, safe storage for their cards and easier, faster trading.
New Vault enrollment page I designed
What guided the design?
I created three UX models for shipping cards to the eBay vault, working with a researcher to test concepts and gather feedback from users early on in the process. Here's what we learned from this research.
Customers had concerns with the safety of their high-value cards being lost in the shipping and authentication processes before being ingested into the vault.
Event drop off
Providing a solution that would allow customers to drop off cards at events is a competitive differentiator.
Vault vs. Collection
Participants were confused on how to navigate the two products, and the differences between them.
Preferred manual input
Customers overwhelmingly preferred to input info themselves (~75%) and all wanted to see an estimate of their cards' value.
Higher number of low value cards. Looks to make profit and likes to trade quickly and often.
May have high or low value cards. Driven by a desire to purchase cards that fuel a feeling or completion or nostalgia.
Deals with mostly high value cards. Willing to hold onto cards for a long time to make the most profit.
Product launch press
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